Spa Day

It may be a boring blog for you today but it was a delightful day for us!  We slept in, went to breakfast and then I headed for the gym.  I usually have the gym pretty much to myself because many of the peeps on the cruise are a wee bit older than I am. Completed a kickass Body Combat routine and then headed to the deck to relax.  

Bill headed to the spa and I finished a blog post of Savilla.  We managed to have lunch before I headed to the spa! I gotta say, my therapist was fabulous.  I told her that my lats, glutes and hamstrings were tight and she dug in like a fat man at a buffet.  All aboard was 2:30pm.  Set sail scheduled for 🕒 3:pm.  I was still on the table when the Capt came over the intercom indicating that we would be having the flag raising ceremony once the late guests arrived back on the boat.  He sounded the horn 3 different times.  I thought “omg, my new friends pooched the on deck time.   I yelled Eddie!”  Scared the shit out of the massage therapist.  I honestly thought she believed I had a dreadful form of turrets.  Why yell, Eddie? According to Eddie’s wife, Eddie tends to wander off and she’s constantly yelling “Eddie!”   

I heard cheering and clapping from the spa so apparently, the guests made it before we set sail.  what a fun story for them to tell when they return home!🏡   Not sure the 🧑‍✈️ Captain wasn’t pleased but alls well that ends well!  

 Next up is a seminar on the French Polynesian islands.  A few peeps on this cruise 🚢 said it was amazing and we have friends going on this tour.  Relatively speaking, the tour is cheap.   The woman did a lovely  job of selling it until she tried to
Soft pedal the fact that it’s only 8 hours from LA.  Seriously lady, I’ve met 90% of the people in the room, and we’re ALL flying from the east coast.    Even so, she said this was Windstar’s most popular cruise!  In fact, I think there will be TWO boats assigned to Tahiti by 2026!

We’re having dinner with a couple we met tonight and then off to the lounge for rock and roll night….or so we thought.  Dinner was lovely (sick of this adjective…seriously sick of this adjective BUT that means we’re having a swell time). We head to the lounge and find that their version of rock and roll is twist and shout.  Ummm…I wasn’t born when this song came out.  We ordered a glass of vino and headed back to the room to watch the moon and waves.  

Off to Casablanca!


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