The Sleep Worksheet

 Sleep worksheet you ask?  First of all, you should know by now that Bill V has an excel worksheet for everything.  Bless his heart.  The sleep worksheet is pure evil.  It’s intended purpose is to get us ready for the 6 hour time change.  In fact, it destroys a perfectly delightful slumber. Last night bedtime was suppose to be 8 pm with a wakeup time of 4am. Yes, you read that correctly.  Bill was dutifully in bed at a little after 8.  Being the rebel I am, I watched the Bruins game until I was confident we weren’t coming back from a 4-1 score.  You’d think getting up at 4am isn’t bad when you went to bed at 9:30 pm but you’d be wrong.  Very wrong.  Good news is that the kitchen is clean, laundry is done, paper is read, class prep is complete and my to to do list for the rest of the day is doable!  


  1. You love my lists. I can’t believe you won’t admit it🙁

  2. Awesome! A Zeke think alike…


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