The checked bag

As it turns out, having priority status means checking a bag is a very seamless process.  Who knew?  That my friends is not the end of the story.   We successfully make it through security and into the American club.  As we’re eating lunch Bill nearly drops his sandwich “oh my God, the electric toothbrushes are in the checked bag!”  Rarely ever checking a bag, I think this is a good thing.  One less thing I have to carry.  Bill informs me that the electric toothbrushes have lithium batteries that could catch fire.  Can you imagine the headlines “electric toothbrush brings down jetliner over the Atlantic?”  Not pretty.  

After much research, we determined that as long as the battery is safely installed in a device, all was right with the world.  Once we recovered from our  mini meltdown over the toothbrush scandal, I tell bill that I’m taking my contacts out once we board the plane so they don’t dry out and in hopes I can get some shuteye.  Bill then realizes that his contacts and case are not in his possession.  Yep, in the checked bag.  

We head to the gate and after drinking too much coffee, I ask Bill for a Tums.  Hmmm…he searches everywhere and again realizes that the Tums are in the checked bag.  Furious with himself, he heads to the store to overpay for contact solution, a case and he was kind enough to throw in a roll of Tums.  Not sure he’ll ever check a bag again!

NOTE: gross 🤢 content to follow. 
Flight AA748 was indeed on time despite 2 gate changes and a plane change.  We’re all settled in and the blue bird dinner arrives at 5pm.  We start eating and I’m like “I don’t think I should have had that venti iced latte, my stomach is boiling.  What to do. What to do? I can’t wait any longer. I say to Bill “I need to get up NOW!”  After 20 years of marriage, he knows.  My 6 foot 4 man is trying to juggle 2 trays as I literally climb over him to sprint to the bathroom; mind you an airplane bathroom.  Spoiler alert.  I made it.  I made it but I don’t recommend d it.  Please don’t drink a 24 oz coffee before boarding an international flight when you know you have stomach issues.  

We arrive in Madrid at 5am, cruise through customs and our driver was there on time!  Arrive at the hotel exhausted and the adorable boy checking us in said our room was occupied but he had an upgraded room he could put us in for now charge.  Holy shit Batman, our lucky day.   Coolest hotel ever!

Need to hit the shower but I haven’t even started to tell you about day one!  More later. 


  1. I am crying thinking about the coffee comment and the aftermath. Whoo hoo to an upgraded room.

  2. Glad you didn’t pass out on the way to the bathroom like someone else did on our last trip!

  3. Bless both of your hearts!


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