Holy Toledo!

For a number of reasons, this tour was far beyond our initial expectations!  We were picked up in a Mercedes van and driven the 70 km to Toledo where we met our guide Javi, a gorgeous young Spaniard who was born and raised in Toledo.  

Given the adversity, toxicity, violence and general unnecessary hatred against people who don’t agree with our opinions that we’re currently experiencing in America, Toledo is a place of harmony and hope.   I realize this sounds dramatic but you’d have to be here to truly appreciate the harmonious, collaborative and kind way of life that exists in Toledo.  Known as the “tres cultures”: Christian, Jewish and Muslim   Can you imagine what a wonderful world it would be if we could model the grace and tranquility of Toledo?  This tour restored my faith that anything is possible.

Our guide methodically explained the the intersection of the three cultures and interestingly, it largely worked because it had to!  Toledo serves as a moat with the mountains surrounding one side. Out of necessity, the people who lived here (around 10k peeps) both then and now, had to rely on each other to survive.  The influences of each culture is found throughout the city and is a testament of acceptance  of each other’s customs and cultures.  It truly was a breath of fresh air!

As I stated before, we forget (at least I do) how young our country is   Javi brought us into someone’s house, rather a basement.  It is a friend of his who bought this house and as he was restoring it found the most amazing passageways. They’ve preserved it during reconstruction and installed lighting for some of the lucky tourists to visit. All of our tours have been private tours so you get more attention!

Before heading into the Cathedral, we walked about town and marveled at the architectural genious of this moat.  I took too many pics but they’ll undoubtedly create great memories.  

Jaci, our tour guide

 Just prior to entering the cathedral, Bill tried to distract me from the ceramics shop just up the hill.  My eyes 👀 popped wide and I told Javi that I wanted to take a peek inside!  He knows everyone because he’s “ a townie!”   He explained that most families live on the second floor and they run their business on the first floor. His friend is not only the owner but an artist creating stunning ceramics.  Jaci explained that looks are not always as they seem.  His friends business was doing so well that he asked his neighbors if they were going to use their basements for anything.  Most said that it was unused space so his friend essentially bought their basements so the front of the business was just a small and I mean small selection of ceramics.  The basement are was enormous and chock full of gorgeous art.  Bill slapped his head knowing it was gonna cost him some money.  For me, I did well.  I only bought a tile and a salt.  The collection was amazing and difficult to choose just a few treasures!

Ground breaking in 1227 and completed in 1493, the Toledo Cathedral is beyond a masterpiece.  To consider the engineering and construction of such a massive undertaking is nothing short of mind blowing.  Ten organs playing music, choirs of children and over 128 priests.   Imagine peasants walking through the enormous doors of this Catholic Church for the first time.  These people had literally nothing to their name but were faithful followers of Jesus.  When they walked through these doors, it was if God himself greeted them.  

Even if you are not a church going reader of this blog, you would have to appreciate the attention to detail. Remember the trea culturas?  There is a massive stained glass window with a number of religious symbols; one of them being a Star of David.   In the choir room, 2 artist were commissioned to sculpt the books of the Old and New Testaments.  The authors of the Old Testament faced the authors of the New Testament. Again, the exquisite art and attention to detail was amazing. 
The piece de resistance was the El Transparente designed by Narciso Tome in 1732.  This artist had the vision to place a window in the ceiling surrounded by a magnificent sculpture allowing the sunrise to shine through the glass, through the transparente into the sacristy and onto the host, the body of Christ.  
Seeing the sculpture literally brought tears to our eyes.  It truly was a moving experience.  

And many more pics of this amazing place of worship!
Notice how the spire looks like a crown!

Yes, the church is an active church; holding services everyday.  Our tour guide, Javi had his children baptized here.  He was funny.  He said “it wasn’t all that intimate as people were walking by but it was magical to have my children baptized in a place of worship that means so much to me and my entire family.”

It was hard to say adios to such a nice young man but off headed back to Madrid.  I had a mission. Find the best churros and chocolate for my chocolate adoring hubby.  

Javi gave me the name of one of the  most famous chocolatiers so off we went!  Found it!  The only problem is that I don’t want any but Bill thought the woman asked him if it was 2 of us dining but what she thought he wanted was 2 orders.  I’m a carbs girl not a sweets girl.  I had one and unfortunately, we left 7 churros.  I was happy Bill got his fix!

We people watched, bought an official Real Madrid team shirt for Bill and headed back to the hotel for dinner.  I can’t tell you how wonderful this boutique hotel was.  Dinner was winderful!  A date night in Madrid, Spain at hotel Cool Rooms.  A perfect end to our time in Madrid. 

I guess I forgot to snap a pic of our entre!  I assure you that it was delicious!


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