
Docking in Cartagena, I was working fast to catch up on my blog.  It’s so much fun to do but I won’t let it interfere with my trip   Downtime only!

We decided to go outside the box and visit a Spanish horse farm and we’re thrilled we did!  The Conesa family hosted our group this morning at their lovely estate.  We thoroughly enjoyed learning about the business of breeding these horses.  We were told that the studs only job throughout their lifetime was to produce sperm.  I πŸ‘€ looked over at my handsome husband just smiled.  Thank goodness he often times finds me amusing. Andalusian 🐎 horses were the topic of the day   It’s an absolutely fascinating business.  This particular farm has 150 head; all branded with their farm’s signature mark.  We were told that this “branding” does not hurt the horse as they use liquid nitrogen. I’m not sure I buy that but it seems more kind that a red hot iron!

The farm also grew 🍊 oranges, olives and grapes.  They made their own wine; a Tempranillo and Syrah called caperucita tinta .  After educating us about the horses they bred, they let all their horses out of the barns at once.  What a I credible sight to see as they came charging around the bend toward us; heading for the fields   It was the most breathtaking 36 seconds; beautiful, majestic!  I so wish I could figure out how to post a video!

After a snack consisting of wine, olives and a potato frittata, we were surprised by a flamenco show with one of the most popular Flamenco πŸ’ƒ dancers in Spain.  She was also accompanied by a stunningly beautiful horse!  A fun treat to say the least.  Of course we need to get the touristy pic with the dancer.  πŸ•Ί 


Back on the bus, our tour guide told us more about the history of Cartagena and the most popular manufacturing facilities in the city; Liqour 43!  Who knew?   Many of the locals start their day with an espresso that includes from a few drops to a shot is Liquor 43.  That ought to be interesting at work!   Maybe I’ll try that before I teach Body Pump!πŸ˜†. Also, they take ginger ale and add a shot of Liquor 43. 

Cartagena is also known for its submarines and its navel presence.  

Back to the boat for a rest!


Time to head to the lounge for the Yacht Club Cocktail Party where the staff thanks those passengers who have been on more than one Windstar cruises.  πŸš’ Interestingly, they don’t actually count the number of cruises but the number of days on ship.  A couple that had sailed 46 days was recognized and given some sort of gift.  πŸŽ 

For those of you returning to Windstar for the Tahiti trip, we heard that is one of the best cruises.   We met a couple from Chatham, MA who had been and couldn’t say enough about it .  We also learned that they are adding 2 boats and though the itineraries are not finalized, South Africa may be one and the Almafie Coast.

Dinner was at one of the two specialty restaurants; Cuadro 44 featuring Spanish tapas. 

Dinner was delish but fattening   I failed to get a picture of Bill’s Churros and chocolate!  Off to dance off these calories because it’s Disco Night!  

To my line dancing πŸ’ƒ friends, the very funny activities director taught a cute dance to staying alive (which will have real meaning further in this post).  We danced and danced until I was dripping with sweat!  The boat started to rock a bit too much so we headed to our room.

The waves 🌊 picked up and the boat was a rockin.  We had the luxury of a bright moon so we could witness our impending demise.  Have I painted a picture for you!  Bill was not having any of my antics so he went to bed   πŸ›Œ  I started singing “the weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed.  If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the “Star Legend” would be lost, the “Star Legend” would be lost.  

I finally fell πŸ’€ asleep but wondered how those folks who get sea sick fared last night .

Docking in Malaga tomorrow and will be cooking Paella, Bill’s favorite!


  1. Looks fantastic, I long to be on that rocking ship!


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