A Day at Sea

 We have logged a ton of miles walking since we left Carolina Beach so I felt compelled to do something while we were at sea for an entire day.  Off to the gym I go!

Not the most flattering picture but, in fairness, I was in a 5 min plank after a fast paced walking 5k. I forgot how hard it is to stay in a plank for that long. 

Next, we were off to a class on how to take better iPhone picture.  The teacher was absolutely hysterical but changed our lives on how to take a good quality photo.  He also was smart to point out that you don’t need 25 pictures of a building.  One quality pic will remind you of the event or place.  He went on and on about people who take picture of their food.  I wanted to crawl under my seat because I am absolutely one of those people. Apparently, I’m in good company because there were many questions surrounding gastronomy!

 Following class and a fabulous salad, I settled down in a deck chair and worked on my blog while photographer Bill worked on his new mad camera skills.  

Once I had enough sun for the day, I grabbed a glass of wine and headed to the spa for a mani and pedi. It was called fire and ice.  You, too, could have this experience for a massive $159.  The fire was represented by hot stones and the ice, a very delightful gel that mimics biofreeze but is not sticky.  O that tube was going to be mine.  Maria! How much for a tube of this magic?  O, she says it’s only $69 dollars.  Shaking my head like I was delirious, I said “say what?” She said “it is so good for you.  It relieves sore muscles and headaches.  I said “it would need to bathe me for that price”. She didn’t understand my American humor so I tried “I thought with the price of this mani/pedi it would be included”. Needless to say, I left “the ice” in the spa.  
Off to change for dinner!  We stopped by the lounge so Bill and I could chat and enjoy a glass of wine before dinner.  

I had suggested  to my favorite spreadsheet man that while I was in the spa, he should create a spreadsheet of our purchases in case we need to claim anything as we pass through customs on the way home. 

As we were chatting, we noticed that most gorgeous sun/cloud combination. With our new handy dandy photography skills, we headed outside. Of the many we took, this one was our best; capturing the color and essence of the sun and clouds. 

I swore I was going to take the vegetarian option tonight and then I saw it…what? BEEF WELLINGTON!  Screw vegetarian tonight.  Bill had smoked salmon last night and went for chicken tonight. Not I!  Show me the beef!🥩 

I will say that I’m impressed that Windstar doesn’t give you huge portions at dinner. It’s just the right amount.  You can always order more but you won’t leave hungry.  Did I mention that I also ordered truffle fries.  You must know by now, I like carbs, Bill likes sweets.  Bill ordered carrot cake!

Off to the lounge to watch “who wants to be a millionaire”. We both thought that this was going to be cheesy but it was so well done and soooo funny.  The best part?  A young girl was called up to be the first contestant and guess where she was from?  Wilmington, NC. When she phoned a friend, a telephone 📞 rang.  Just super fun. She made it to the final question but didn’t know the answer. I couldn’t let my local girl lose so I did what we all do during the Hackett’s reindeer games, I cheated.  I googled the question and told her the answer was “C” Denmark!  Final answer.  She won a bunch of dumb prizes but she did win a spa treatment (Remember how expensive they were???) and a discounted excursion.  The story gets better.  I went to introduce myself and the contestant’s mother asked where we lived.  I told her CB and she further asked where.  I told her Seagrove and she said “do you know Shand Mayville?”  Umm, sure do!  She and Bill are awesome neighbors.  This woman, Denise, does her hair!  Who would’ve imagined us meeting in Spain!🇪🇸 I love 💕 when this happens!

Following the “game show”, the band announced it was Motown night and though we stayed for a bit, we decided to hang out in our room talking and looking out over the ocean.  The moon was bright enough so that we could enjoy the waves of the ship. 

It was romantic and relaxing. 

Docking in Cartagena tomorrow!


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